Running a packaged food business of any size isn't easy.
I know. I've been there.

Between managing some of the largest packaged food companies across North America, helping numerous brands build their business and launching my own food company, I’ve learnt what does and doesn’t work when it comes to growing a successful packaged food company. And it’s not always what you think.

I created the Healthy Food & Beverage Group and the F.A.B. Community to help driven packaged food companies learn the business side of running their business so they can launch grow and scale faster and with fewer mistakes along the way.

I blend the worlds of big food brands with small food brands and together, am able to share the recipe for success for any food company.

Ainsley Moir



The Healthy Food & Beverage Group & the F.A.B. Community exists because there isn’t enough well rounded information out there for packaged food companies. Either information is only for small companies. Or only for big companies.  Or people are focused on only connecting with buyers. Or only increasing your profits. Where was the well rounded approach to marketing, sales and profitability for both small and large companies? 

The Healthy Food & Beverage Group & the F.A.B. Community is where you can learn all areas of growing your food company.  No matter if you’re finally ready to take the leap to turning your passion into a business or if you’re fully established food brand that is looking for more strategic ways of operating, the Healthy Food & Beverage Group can help you grow.

Be a part of the F.A.B. Community


Your brand is not your logo
and your product is not just about taste

Building a successful packaged food or beverage aka F.A.B. business isn’t just about what your product tastes like. It’s about going beyond that and creating a powerful brand that connects with consumers and buyers at every single touchpoint. Without a powerful brand, retailers won’t list your product, consumers won’t try your product and people won’t have the opportunity to try the delicious product you’ve worked so hard creating.

Your brand is not just your logo. Your brand is everything you do. Every experience someone has with you and most of all, how you always make people feel. I teach packaged food & beverage companies how to make informed decisions about their business by having them step back into their brand, its purpose and audience.

My 2018 book Branding Beyond Logos teaches businesses of all sizes how to build a powerful brand that stands out, sells more and turn customers into advocates. Readers have called Branding Beyond Logos is a book that “All Small Business Owners Need”. “ A Marketing Guide Book”, “A must-read for any business owner in the process of branding their company”, The book for anyone struggling to hone their brand”.

Grab Your Copy Here


The Food & Beverage Business Growth Summit is the largest online conference for packaged food & beverage companies

The F.A.B. Business Growth Summit helps food founders get on more shelves, win with marketing and make more money in their food or beverage business. This annual online conference brings together speakers from across the globe to share insights on how to launch, grow and scale a successful packaged food company. Hosted by Ainsley Moir and sponsored by the Healthy Food & Beverage Group, this is the conference for food founders to attend. Attendees of the F.A.B. Business Growth Summit share that “The topics are diverse and relevant and I got something out of each and every one!”, “ I look forward to this every year”, “The sessions helped me beyond words and I’m incredibly grateful that you organized it for food entrepreneurs like myself”, “Truly. Big, FAT, thanks”, “I learned A TON from this summit and am very grateful for you putting this together”

Check out the 2019 F.A.B. Business Growth Summit

More fun facts about Ainsley Moir & the Healthy Food & Beverage Group

  • Ainsley is the author of the book Branding Beyond Logos
  • The Healthy Food & Beverage Group & Ainsley Moir run the largest online conference for packaged food & beverage companies the Food & Beverage Business Growth Summit
  • Ainsley can be found eating foods from all across the globe at all hours of the day. 

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